
Reiki healing is an art that originated in Japan, where healing using natural techniques is a long-standing tradition.  It is grounded in spiritual practices that recognize the unity of Being. It is based on laying on of hands, connecting one human being to another using specific techniques that guide the life force to a higher level.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. Therefore, Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

During a Reiki Massage session, I take the time to feel the energy of a client deeply and call upon the Life Force Energy that surrounds us to amplify the sense of well-being that flows into them as I gently touch the body while listening to the messages of Spirit.


I have had the pleasure of knowing Michele for the last 6 years. I had been going to receive massage therapy and Reiki over those years. I enjoyed her happy light spirit which always sent me peacefully on my way at the end of our session.



This results in a deeply relaxing experience that has the potential to lead to profound healing. Reconnecting with the original nature of our being balances and corrects the influences that are harmful to us in daily life.

This is in harmony with the ancient saying of “Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen”, which translates to “my original nature is a correct thought.” Reiki brings harmony to the body process and empowers the unity of Body, Mind and Spirit.