This free worksheet is designed to help you understand where you are in this moment in each pillar in your life.

The purpose of this exercise is to help you connect to the current experiences you are having in your life and then starting the process of acknowledging each experience and the impact it is having currently on your life.


My experience as a client of Michele’s over the past seven years has been truly life-changing. Michele’s ability to hold space for others to realize who they are is a gift. I met Michele during the absolute lowest part of my life, struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. Our meeting cannot be defined as anything but divinely orchestrated. I was amazed at the power of both these practices. Michele exudes empathy, compassion and love in each and every session. I immediately felt free to express myself. Over time and with her guidance I was able to realize once again who I really am, not only a strong, capable woman but a child of God

Natalie C
