Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is one of my services: working with your soft tissues to induce relaxation. I use a combination of specific massage techniques to produce a therapeutic effect. This technique can be used to reduce stress, decrease pain, and increase your feeling of calmness and well-being.

The Difference between Massage & CranioSacral Therapy

Massage works primarily with muscles, trigger points, ligaments, and range of motion using pressure and stroking of the muscles and body areas. 

CranioSacral Therapy primarily uses light (5 grams) pressure to allow the tension and neurological component to release and the brain to  recognize a new balance with the body.  In CranioSacral Therapy, I use lighter pressure in areas of the body as opposed to the deeper pressure of a Massage.  This then re-connects the body parts, thereby linking the Central Nervous System to communicate more effectively and create a more harmonious functionality.

CranioSacral Therapy

I’ve offered traditional Massage since 2009 for Therapeutic purposes.  Now, I am offering CranioSacral therapy for gentle healing work, with subtle and relaxing experiences for my clients.

This therapy is good for migraines, easing the neck and head.  It’s powerful for treating PTSD, which could be caused by different physical problems that interfere with balance in life. Chronic pain, and more, all respond well to this type of Massage.  The physical symptoms are reduced so the body can have more energy, leading to well-being on all levels.  It is a very light touch that awakens your body’s own energy. 

This is a wonderful technique for both Therapist and Client.

You can remain dressed for this treatment, so for some, it is a more enjoyable way to experience this healing work.  

I will hold your head in different places on the Cranium, and work at the Sacral area near the tailbone.  This therapy encourages the Cerebrospinal fluids to flow. We move the arms and legs to get the fluids moving through the body. This keeps the brain lubricated, and the joints as well.  

The CranioSacral system is composed of the membranes and Cerebrospinal fluid, important interactive parts of the body, surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord. This essential interaction is enhanced through the light and gentle touch that I will apply.

CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to improve the functioning of the Central Nervous System, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. 

To learn more, book a time to talk with me about what I can do for you.