When I was younger, I didn’t take control of things in my life.  Working in a corporate job, it was all about doing things according to the company culture and fitting into what needed to be done for the company. I didn’t know about emotional intelligence and finding out about what my feelings meant in the big picture.

I had a system set up for me by my father and his financial manager. I didn’t really get involved in that, either.  My marriage was quiet and uneventful for the most part, and yet I didn’t really express who I felt myself to be.  I was in hiding.  Knowing that I was interested in women, I didn’t share my feelings.  Anxiety about my situation was there, but hidden from my awareness.

At a certain point, things began to shift for me.  I started training to become a Massage Therapist and I found that I was really drawn to the personal contact, the touch, and the connection with other people.  I got more into it.  After the first semester of training, I left my corporate job.  People thought I was crazy for stepping away from a secure position, but I knew I would have felt unfulfilled, so I stepped out of the box I was in.

I left my marriage.  I moved from Ohio to Arizona with four suitcases and two boxes, to start over, making a leap of faith.  I started taking more training and working with coaches to discover who I was and what I could do.  I found gifts of empathy were my strength, and I learned how to use them in Massage, Reiki, and in my Psychic Readings.

With my change in circumstances, my consciousness began to shift profoundly, and I discovered my Psychic gifts were coming alive.  More and more, I picked up on the energy from other people, and found ways to heal my clients. 

Everything was going great, but I felt that something was missing.  

When a friend told me about the Positive Intelligence (Mental Fitness) Program and what it had done for her, I decided to take the leap. 

This was the piece I had been looking for!  With Body, Mind and Spirit, all coming together, I was able to take control of all the little things and the big ones, too.

This program has changed my relationship with my inner knowing and brought me to a state of optimism, feeling calm, productive, and confident.  

As I started feeling more empowered in my life, I  began making decisions that were once very challenging for me to make.   I had at one time allowed others to be in control of my finances, decisions for my business and other areas of my life.  This is no longer acceptable for me.  My strength, courage and power are all areas I can share with those I work with through my gifts of Positive Intelligence (Mental Fitness), Reiki Healing, Psychic Mediumship and Massage. I am so excited to share these benefits with my clients.  


Michele is a person that comes in your life and leaves a beautiful mark. She gives her all to her clients making sure you know what’s going on and how to go about finding your way. You walk away feeling great after her sessions. Always leaving with a glow of positivity

Pam M.


With the powerful tools you will learn during the Positive Intelligence (Mental Fitness) Program you can make the right decisions based on identifying your Saboteurs (Fears) and learning from them, while connecting with your Sage (your inner knowing), so that your life is one of focused awareness and power.